The "RayPawers Stables" are to be found at; Hørretvej 150. DK-8320 Mårslet. It is a beautiful area with great traning facilities, and the woods just outside the stabledoor. It is owned by the brothers Jack Ray and Jeff Paw, and offers following services:

PROFILE: Jack Ray Nielsen, 14.04.1983
Jack has been in a sattle sine he was 7 years old, and has compeeted in showjumping for a long time. He compeets on international level and has many placings and winners.
He also enjoy educating youngsters and has qualified many young horses for the national showjumping youngster finals.
Jack has entered courses by Jos Lansink, Bo Kristoffersen, and Michael Aabo.

PROFILE: Jeff Paw Nielsen, 19.06.1987
Jeff has been on a horse from he was two years old. He compeets on international level with great succes. He has many placings and winners among youngsters as well as gr. prix horses. One of Jeff's big passions, are finding young unshcooled horses with great talent, and bring them up to where they belong, before finding them a new owner.
Jeff has entered courses by Jos Lansink, Bo Kristoffersen.